So you want to know the 15 fat burning foods that can help you shed off some unwanted pounds without having to give up all your sweet favorite meals?
Alright, here are the 15 of them:
o Whole Grain Bread
o Oaths
o Chicken
o Salmon
o Turkey
o Sardines
o Tuna
o Fresh Cheese
o Green Beans
o Green Tea
o Summer Squash
o Cabbage
o Asparagus and other not starchy vegetables.
o Eggs
o And of course, protein rich meats (like pork).
But where exactly is the stuff that makes this variety of foods to help me burn excess body fat instead of increasing it? Is it in the foods or in my body?
Well it'/s partly in the foods and partly in the body. Let'/s say that this is just like the two sides of a coin. Both sides must be intact or else the coin won'/t be useful as money. In that same way, both the foods we have mentioned and certain chemical processes that take place in your body each time you eat must be essentially combined to help you shed excess fat while you eat.
Here are some 12 points that will help you understand how the process works:
1. It is NOT just the foods, but the speed of your body'/s metabolism that determines how much fat you can shed with this method.
2. The speed of your body'/s metabolism is 'mainly' determined by the type of food you eat, and how frequently you eat them.
3. Metabolism is defined by the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary as "the chemical processes in living things that change food etc. into energy and materials for growth".
4. The process of metabolism simply suggests that each time you take your meal; your body starts the systematic job of digesting the food, drawing out the available nutrients from it, and converting them into the essential energy which it needs to keep functioning properly and effectively.
5. The faster the process of metabolism, the higher the rate of calories your body burns; and the less the volume of fat it stores under your skin.
6. The slower the process of metabolism, the lower the rate of calories your body burns; and the higher the volume of fat you get.
7. Eating smaller meals at more regular intervals all through the day can help to speed up your metabolism.
8. Skipping established meals (especially breakfast) could disrupt your digestive pattern and slow down your metabolism seriously.
9. The more the metabolism jobs your body has got to do the higher the rate of speed at which it tries to get the job done.
10. Foods like carbohydrates and proteins are known to help your body develop the highest metabolic rate. While stuffs like caffeine, coffee, tea, chocolate, and a chemical found in chilies are also known to help but at a minimal level.
11. While carbohydrates and proteins may sound like the real catch, remember that they won'/t give your body the complete round of nutrients it needs. So your best choice is to eat well-balanced meals -- at definite but regular intervals -- that contain protein, not starchy vegetables, fats, and carbohydrates. And do not bank on vitamins and mineral supplements. They aren'/t equal with the real things found naturally in food!
12. To increase the speed of your body'/s metabolism temporarily by as much as 30%, all you need is to drink some cold water.
Finally, it'/s important to know that there are a couple of other factors that could also influence your body'/s speed of metabolism. And they include your age, sex and medical condition.
And remember that while each of the foods I have listed here are sure to help put your body'/s metabolism on a very fast lane, and keep you on top shape, they cannot actually remove the fat that'/s already accumulated in your body before now.
So you must understand that some additional healthy techniques may be needed to make your desire to burn this fat come true very fast without any regrets!
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